[NYCBSDCon] VBSDCon note!

Bill Totman billtotman at billtotman.com
Mon Oct 21 10:32:19 EDT 2013

On 10/21/13 10:30 AM, "George Rosamond" <george at ceetonetechnology.com>

>Bill Totman:
>> On 10/21/13 10:07 AM, "Isaac (.ike) Levy" <ike at blackskyresearch.net>
>>> Hey All,
>>> For those going to VBSDCon this week, please:
>>> - Be on the lookout for relevant speakers, engage them in conversation
>>> about submitting a talk to nycbsdcon at nycbug.org?
>>> (not meaning to re-use talks from VBSDCon, but lots of people doing
>>> relevant work will be there...)
>>> - Get the word out on the date, Feb. 1st!
>>> Have fun yall'-
>>> Best
>>> .ike
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>>> NYCBSDCon at nycbug.org
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>> Might the organizer(s) be willing to make an announcement about
>Yes... I can talk to Rick about that.
>Ideally we would have fliers, but since a few of us will be there, we
>will be asked about it whether we want to discuss or not :)


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