[NYCBSDCon] VBSDCon note! -Fliers

Patrick McEvoy patmcevoy at mac.com
Mon Oct 21 16:23:11 EDT 2013

On 10/21/13 11:35 AM, George Rosamond wrote:
> Isaac (.ike) Levy:
>> On October 21, 2013 11:05:49 AM EDT, Patrick McEvoy <patmcevoy at mac.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 10/21/13 10:32 AM, Bill Totman wrote:
>>>> On 10/21/13 10:30 AM, "George Rosamond" <george at ceetonetechnology.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Bill Totman:
>>>>>> On 10/21/13 10:07 AM, "Isaac (.ike) Levy" <ike at blackskyresearch.net>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey All,
>>>>>>> For those going to VBSDCon this week, please:
>>>>>>> - Be on the lookout for relevant speakers, engage them in
>>>>>>> conversation
>>>>>>> about submitting a talk to nycbsdcon at nycbug.org?
>>>>>>> (not meaning to re-use talks from VBSDCon, but lots of people doing
>>>>>>> relevant work will be there...)
>>>>>>> - Get the word out on the date, Feb. 1st!
>>>>>>> Have fun yall'-
>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>> .ike
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> NYCBSDCon mailing list
>>>>>>> NYCBSDCon at nycbug.org
>>>>>>> http://www.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/nycbsdcon
>>>>>> Might the organizer(s) be willing to make an announcement about
>>>>> Yes... I can talk to Rick about that.
>>>>> Ideally we would have fliers, but since a few of us will be there, we
>>>>> will be asked about it whether we want to discuss or not :)
>>> Do we have fliers? Do we have a flier design?
>>> If so, do you have space for a QR code?
>>> Attached is a .png of the QR code for the URL below.
>>>  URL: http://www.nycbsdcon.org/2014/
>>> I used a simple online QR code maker.
>>> P
>> I can whip up one or two flyers tonight.
>> Not sure what
>> Content Reqs. Checklist:
>> [ ] Logo
>> [ ] QR Code (what Patrick attached)
>> [ ] Text Place: "New York City" (not full address)
>> [ ] Text Date (Febuary, 1 2014)
>> [ ] Text "One day Event, The BSDs in Production"
>> [ ] Text "www.nycbsdcon.org"
>> -- 
>> - Assuming 8.5x11/Kinkos
>>   - Quarter page version
>>   - Full page version
>>   - Good printable for Black and White (cheap/fast)
>> Any other comments/thoughts, post em' here.
> IMHO, no need for QR code.

Not to be argumentative, but I like the idea of it as it gets eyeballs
on the website with the least amount or resistance. - Point and click
and you are looking at our newest offerings on the con site. With all
the activity at a conference, I think we could get more sticking-power.
For con attendees who are being bombarded by all things BSD it is harder
for them to remember things, all they would need to do is bookmark the
site and take it from there. Also, with all the changes to the con,
having as much consistency as possible would be helpful.


> just try a full one-pager... more would be tough.
> g
> _______________________________________________
> NYCBSDCon mailing list
> NYCBSDCon at nycbug.org
> http://www.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/nycbsdcon

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