[NYCBSDCon] Independent Hardware Manufacturers

Okan Demirmen okan at demirmen.com
Wed Sep 18 10:00:57 EDT 2013

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Isaac (.ike) Levy
<ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> While it's on my mind, I'd like to reach out to Pascal from PCEngines.ch, to
> see if they'd like to be involved in the Con in some way.  For those who
> don't know them, they've been enormously supportive in the past- of
> NYCBSDCon, and BSD UNIX in general.  I see these independent hardware
> manufacturers as being special and important to the BSD community.  For
> projects like PFSense, their role is critical, in fact.
> Without opening us up to BS vendor-driven-conference junk, I would like to
> open up to them for input, (email below).
> Does anyone object to me reaching out?

Not at all.  I think your mail does it well too.

> If no objections, does anyone have any direct contacts at Soekris?  I'd
> really love to see them involved in a similar way.

Not me, but it would be a good idea; if no one else, try Soren himself.

Remember though, we don't have a ton of floor space - we should even
out hardware vendor vs ISP vs book people vs project corner vs "play
with xyz here" tables...basically, someone (a volunter here) should
own "space management" inside Suspenders, or something like that.

> Best,
> .ike
> --
> NYC BSD Confrence Involvement
> pdornier at pcengines.ch
> --
> Hi Pascal,
> A group of us has been putting together NYC BSD Con, a 1-day conference,
> aiming for Feb 1, but a January date is likely.
> With that, we'd love to have PCEngines involved- along with vendor tables,
> we have some ideas to have hard-media and machines on-site for
> demo/lightning-sessions for various BSD related tech.  (PFSense petting zoo
> types of things, CARP network setup demos, Embedded installs to play with,
> etc...).  Hands-on with running hardware is always exciting for attendees.
> With that, we'll be reaching out for sponsors etc..., the most
> pouplar/discussed item from our last conference, were the ALIX
> boards you graciously donated, (which we raffled off to attendees).  If you
> think it is good for you guys, we'd love to do something similar again.
> --
> With that, I'd also like to open up to any input, ideas, or suggestions you
> would have for the conference itself, PCEngines contribution to BSD UNIX is
> indirectly quite large- and we'd love to see independent computer hardware
> manufacturers represented, and involved!
> Best,
> .ike
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