[NYCBSDCon] Independent Hardware Manufacturers

Bill Totman billtotman at billtotman.com
Wed Sep 18 12:53:10 EDT 2013

On 9/18/13 12:39 PM, "Isaac (.ike) Levy" <ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:

>On September 18, 2013 11:28:50 AM EDT, Bill Totman
><billtotman at billtotman.com> wrote:
>> On 9/18/13 10:06 AM, "Isaac (.ike) Levy" <ike at blackskyresearch.net>
>>> On September 18, 2013 10:00:57 AM EDT, Okan Demirmen
>>> <okan at demirmen.com> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Isaac (.ike) Levy
>>>> <ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> While it's on my mind, I'd like to reach out to Pascal from
>>>>> PCEngines.ch, to
>>>>> see if they'd like to be involved in the Con in some way.  For those
>>>>> who
>>>>> don't know them, they've been enormously supportive in the past- of
>>>>> NYCBSDCon, and BSD UNIX in general.  I see these independent hardware
>>>>> manufacturers as being special and important to the BSD community.
>>>>> projects like PFSense, their role is critical, in fact.
>>>>> Without opening us up to BS vendor-driven-conference junk, I would
>>>>> like to
>>>>> open up to them for input, (email below).
>>>>> Does anyone object to me reaching out?
>>>> Not at all.  I think your mail does it well too.
>>>>> If no objections, does anyone have any direct contacts at Soekris?
>>>>> really love to see them involved in a similar way.
>>>> Not me, but it would be a good idea; if no one else, try Soren
>>> Cool- if the Netgate/BSD Perimiter folks don't have Soekris
>>> connections, I'll go straight there...
>>>> Remember though, we don't have a ton of floor space - we should even
>>>> out hardware vendor vs ISP vs book people vs project corner vs "play
>>>> with xyz here" tables...basically, someone (a volunter here) should
>>>> own "space management" inside Suspenders, or something like that.
>>> I'll happily own "Space Management", as a part of dealing with the
>>> Next week I think I'll go to Suspenders and get the general
>>> dimensions/tables availability mapped out.
>>> (Anyone join me for a drink while I'm at it? :)
>>> But as far as reaching out goes, please everyone feel free to reach out
>>> to vendors/manufacturers- I don't want to bottleneck anything on this
>>> front...
>>> Rocket-
>>> .ike
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> .ike
>>>>> --
>>>>> NYC BSD Confrence Involvement
>>>>> pdornier at pcengines.ch
>>>>> --
>>>>> Hi Pascal,
>>>>> A group of us has been putting together NYC BSD Con, a 1-day
>>>>> conference,
>>>>> aiming for Feb 1, but a January date is likely.
>>>>> With that, we'd love to have PCEngines involved- along with vendor
>>>>> tables,
>>>>> we have some ideas to have hard-media and machines on-site for
>>>>> demo/lightning-sessions for various BSD related tech.  (PFSense
>>>>> petting zoo
>>>>> types of things, CARP network setup demos, Embedded installs to play
>>>>> with,
>>>>> etc...).  Hands-on with running hardware is always exciting for
>>>>> attendees.
>>>>> With that, we'll be reaching out for sponsors etc..., the most
>>>>> pouplar/discussed item from our last conference, were the ALIX
>>>>> boards you graciously donated, (which we raffled off to attendees).
>>>>> If you
>>>>> think it is good for you guys, we'd love to do something similar
>>>>> --
>>>>> With that, I'd also like to open up to any input, ideas, or
>>>>> suggestions you
>>>>> would have for the conference itself, PCEngines contribution to BSD
>>>>> UNIX is
>>>>> indirectly quite large- and we'd love to see independent computer
>>>>> hardware
>>>>> manufacturers represented, and involved!
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> .ike
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>>> NYCBSDCon mailing list
>>> NYCBSDCon at nycbug.org
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>> In the same vein as hardware venders + *BSD, shouldn't we have at least
>> one speaking touching on *BSD on ARM/etc.?
>> Furthermore, such a presentation could be a play into the next Con,
>> presuming we expect sufficient interest therein.
>> -bt
>I'm against directly giving any vendor the floor, but anyone with a
>commit bit- on any of the projects- is certainly welcome to speak on
>relevant topics- no matter where they work.  As long as it's not a
>sales or recruiting spiel.
>This, to me, has always been the NYC*BUG line, and an important one.
>Are you thinking of anyone in particular?

D'oh! Sorry for the confusion, I meant "one speaker".

So, to clarify: have a speaker at this Con who has been diving into the
embedded space with *BSD.

I think George might have some ideas about who might be interested in

And, if not a speaker, how about a break-out session?


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