[NYCBSDCon] Talk idea Kernel netdump project / Contiki Another BSD Licensed OS

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Wed Sep 18 22:30:31 EDT 2013

  I was talking to Ike and to Toothman, about an idea for a talk. Here is
the short synopsis

Contiki is a BSD licensed embedded OS that has nothing to do with
Free/Net/Open other then the license. I said to Ike and Jim that it may be
a good idea to see if we can get someone to talk about why contiki chose
the BSD license,  what contiki has to offer the world and show off some of
the cool things you can do with it. IE the Apple II port talking to a set
of smart street lamps via IPv6 .

Why should NYC*BSDCon entertain a talk / presentation about another OS ?
Well for starters There was some talk on the FreBSD Hackers mailing list
about building a netdump setup for FreeBSD that was akin to the Apple OSX
Netdump a/k/a kernel network dumps over the network.  The thread went so
far as to say hrumm, we could use the contiki uIP stack to make this
happen, yadda yadda yadda.

So two talk topics that are sort of related

1. General Presentation on Contini , uIP,  6lopan, RIME
2. General Talk on Netdump, its use of uIP , etc

What do you all think, should this be researched and people contacted ?



Mark Saad | mark.saad at ymail.com
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