[Semibug] December meeting - presentation by VNC

Josh Grosse josh at jggimi.homeip.net
Tue Dec 8 13:08:15 EST 2015

Good afternoon, all. I'm your presenter-of-the-month for December.

I happened to like the seating in a vague semicircle-like shape we used 
at the November
meeting.  We assumed it naturally, without discussion.  If we use it 
again, we could
use it during my presentation if I shared my screen with attendees and 
their own
portable devices.

There is another value to doing so.  If we don't need projection 
equipment, than Paul
does not need to dig out a projector and set it up, hunt down a 
projection screen,
or else abscond with one of the facility's larger monitors.  Either way, 
it's a procurement
he and his facilities management team should not need to perform.

I understand there is a local, open WiFi network, and all you'd need to 
bring is a portable device
with a WiFi NIC and a VNC client application -- often called a "VNC 
viewer" -- installed.
This could be a laptop, netbook, tablet, or phone, since VNC viewers are 

If you are able to follow along with the slides, it will be easier for 
you to stop and correct
me whenever I am wrong.  Without access to this material, you'll just 
have to discern my errors,
omissions, or misstatements from my babbling alone.  And that babbling 
is of the "incoherent" class.

I could bring some paper copies, but if you use paper you're likely to 
skip ahead and miss my most
egregious lies.


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