[Semibug] Help with Random Password Generator

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Thu Apr 11 17:17:02 EDT 2024

Jonathan Drews said on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 22:28:41 -0600

>I get the following warning when I link the program RandomPasswdGen
>$ cc -Wall -c randpass.c
>$ cc randpass.o -o RandomPasswdGen
> randpass.c(randpass.o:(main)): warning: rand() may return
> deterministic values,
>is that what you want?
>How can I modify:
>srand((int) time(NULL));              /*  Set the seed */
>to make it less deterministic ?

If you're on Linux, consider using getrandom() at least for the seed.
Maybe it will work on BSD too: I don't have a BSD VM installed right

man -a getrandom


man 7 random


Maybe you can concatenate the epoch time concatenated with the uptime of
a given daemon and the sum of the PID and STAT values in ps xo PID,STAT
and the number of bytes in the command that's #1 in the top command at
this instant and maybe a couple other things, and use that as a seed.
Concatenate in lots of things that require root. For instance, lshw
delivers very different results for root than for a normal user.



Steve Litt 

Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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