[Semibug] Need an example of libxo usage

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Fri Apr 12 16:28:25 EDT 2024

(Apologies if this is a duplicate - been mucking about with email server 

Mike Wayne wrote on 2024-04-12 12:57:

> What I can not figure out is how to select fields to print.

To customize the output fields for the lastlogin command using libxo 
with XML formatting in FreeBSD, you'll need to use the -f option to 
specify the fields you want to include. Here's how you can do it:

lastlogin -f field1,field2,... --libxo xml,pretty

Replace field1, field2, etc., with the specific fields you want to 
include in the output. For example, if you want to include fields like 
username, terminal, and login time, you would specify something like this:

lastlogin -f username,terminal,login_time --libxo xml,pretty

This command will generate XML output with the specified fields in a 
pretty format. Adjust the field names as per your requirements.

Let us know if that works?


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