[Semibug] Keeping Track of Inventory with OpenBSD?

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Sun Mar 24 04:51:21 EDT 2024

Jonathan Drews wrote on 2024-03-23 20:00:

> I need advice on how to keep track of inventory. I will have initially
> about 200 different items in the store.I would prefer to use MariaDB and
> OpenBSD.

Are you looking for an existing product, or something you can make yourself?

Inventory management software is fairly complex.

InvenTree is an open source product:



Uses Python / Django, PostgreSQL, and Docker.  So your requirements 
won't be met re: OpenBSD and MariaDB.

At a glance, it looks like the only free ($0) thing I can find.

As for building something... what needs to be tracked? The database 
layout would require quite a bit of thought.

Then... how do you envision interacting with the database?  SQL in a CLI 
is going to be a PITA, so a web front end?  A customized native application?

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