[Semibug] Piping, redirection and shellscipts: 3/5/2025 7pm Eastern Standard time

Ron admin at bclug.ca
Tue Mar 4 18:45:16 EST 2025

Steve Litt wrote on 2025-03-03 14:55:

> A Yaml file is human readable text.

Yeah, but it's not structured for sorting is the point.

Make YAML from sorted data, don't sort YAML.

> Because the registrars don't give you a nice JSON view of all your 
> domains

Some of them give API access, but granted, not all of them.

> What alternative would be more straightforward?

If I have a list of domains, I'd also store prices and descriptions with
them, so I would just manually put them in a text file.

Maybe a postgresql database.

Since ⅔ of the fields mentioned (as used in your own list of domains)
require manual data entry (pricing, descriptions), it gives a good base
to start with and one can avoid sorting YAML, diff'ing, etc.

If the quantity were too large for manual initialization, then use a 
registrar with an API (which still needs manual addition of pricing and 

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