[nycbug-talk] Hardware Whereto

William Lam antitoch
Wed Apr 14 17:23:07 EDT 2004

> On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 04:15:59PM -0400, PUTAMARE wrote:
> > 
> > You can accomplish a lot with a hand cart & a subway (even
> more with
> > an
> > intern to torture). Just don't do it during peak hours.
> Also, I believe
> > the HD in Long Island Ctiy on Northern Blvd. is closer to a train
> > station, I've hauled quite a bit of crap from there & I'm 
> not exactly a
> > big guy. I just can't remember off hand which station you
> get out at
> > (46th St. GRV maybe?).
> > 
> Steinway blvd is closer I believe.  Or the 46th St station of
> the 7 train.  The Home Depot is kind of between the two 
> lines.  Open 24hrs though.
> --
> Marco

It's a fairly long walk from 46th on the 7, and not that hard to get
lost. You're much better off transferring at 74th to the local R, V or G
Manhattan bound to Northern Blvd where it's only 3 or 4 blocks away.
There's a Best Buy as well across the street.

Can't really suggest any stores, I tend to buy all my hardware online
since the sales tax makes anything over $100 as expensive as it is with


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