[nycbug-talk] Thoughts?

G. Rosamond george
Mon Apr 26 19:38:09 EDT 2004

>I have no propblem teaching basic (or even advanced) system
>administration..... I can even do high availability...

No doubt you'd be awesome. . .

The areas I'm thinking are. . .

Unix Security
Unix Structure/'think unix'

(yeah, yeah, i know it's seven)

>you asked me when I would come and do NYCBUG, that would be a 
>fun thing.

You'd do an awesome meeting, no doubt. . .

Let's discuss offlist some topics. . .

For those who don't know, "Trish" is the former founder of the old BSD
User group in NYC. . .until he moved away. . .

He's been known to put BSD devices in firms that you wouldn't expect to
run BSD.

>make it a fundraiser for NYCBUG's coffers and I'm totally all for it.

We don't have a bank account yet, but it's something to deal with in the
near future.


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