[nycbug-talk] soekris (general io ports)

Pete Wright pete
Thu Aug 5 16:59:15 EDT 2004

george magiros wrote:

>FYI, I found out that most (all?) of the boards have
>general io pins onboard.  This is probably old knowledge 
>but anyway these pins come off from the processor (AMD ElanSC520).  
>Only a freebsd driver seems to exist to drive them.  Someone 
>made a lcd interface using these pins 
>(see http://phk.freebsd.dk/soekris/, and picture 

execellent links!  now i just have to figure out a way to plot bandwidth 
usage out to an LCD ;)


Pete Wright
email:  pete at nomadlogic.org
mobile: 917.415.9866
web:    www.nomadlogic.org/~pete
member: NYCBUG www.nycbug.org
New York City's BSD User Group

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