[nycbug-talk] Gentoo Linux, just curious

Scott Robbins scottro
Sat Dec 11 21:48:44 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 06:31:23PM -0800, dqtran1 at earthlink.net wrote:
> Does anyone have suggestions on how to track an email that a user swears they sent
> and 
> it is confirmed as leaving our mail server but never gets there?

I've found that my users (who are, sad to say using MS) often manage to
put people on their blocked senders list or junkmail list (depending
upon whether it's OE or Outlook).

Another possibility is the other company's spam filter.  We put
SpamAssassin on our mailserver.  For two or three weeks, mails that were
considered spam were delivered, but they had [SPAM] or whatever it is in
the headers.
We sent several emails around telling users they MUST let us know if
suppliers, or other important emails were being marked spam.  We warned
them that we were going to kill them at the server.

So, of course, after we put that into effect, several calls about mails
that users weren't getting.  Did you read the emails we sent?  Yes, but
I was too busy.  
You were too busy to hit forward and send it to me?
Well, I meant to.  I never did?


> The only common denominator seems to be certain recipients, and their IT people 
> seem to be too busy to help or don't want to help. 

Heh.  If it's a scenario similar to the one I just described, one can
hardly blame them.  :)   (That's a joke of course--I really do feel that
we are more or less in the position of having the users as our customers
and if they knew all these things, we wouldn't have jobs--still it gets

So, seriously, I guess you will have to contact the recepient, and walk
them through checking their blocked senders list, and then possibly talk
to the IT people and see what their spam filters are.

- -- 

Scott Robbins

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the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know.
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