[nycbug-talk] Snort 2.x on FreeBSD

Zoran Perkov zperkov
Sat Dec 18 13:16:26 EST 2004

never have used acid so im not much help there.
all your rule needs can be found at www.bleedingsnort.com.
there are few docs there about how to set it up. As far as what 
rules to use...this is wholey dependent on your needs.


On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 12:01:47 -0500, Kevin Reiter <tux at penguinnetwerx.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the replies sofar.
> What I'm asking for is help configuring snort - everything is installed, but I've
> never configured snort, and I'm not sure what rules to load, how to make acid hook
> into the MySQL database, etc.  If there's a URL or four anyone knows about (my
> Google search wasn't very productive) that would save me some time.
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