[nycbug-talk] still a ways from done

Isaac Levy ike
Mon Jan 26 23:03:50 EST 2004

On Jan 26, 2004, at 10:47 PM, PUTAMARE wrote:
> These things are best left mulled over, but I think I'm on to 
> something. I'm still not satisfied with the U & G (the B worked so 
> well with the tail though), and am probably going to have to use 
> another font.  I also think I went a little cram crazy on this 
> revision.

Yeah- feels a bit choked in the U and G-  but I like the tightening up 
a bit.

The tail/arrow in the first one though, the curve it made at longer 
width, really like that personally...  It's all subjective though, and 
these both look pretty great-

> <nycbug.gif>
> Its going to be a little hard to reproduce in ASCII-art though...



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