[nycbug-talk] VoIP service providers

marco at metm.org marco
Wed Jun 9 14:55:37 EDT 2004

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 02:23:38PM -0400, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> >>I remember a few of you mentioning that you use VoIP PSTN gateway
> >>services, but I don't recall which providers were mentioned.  It would
> >>be cool to compile a list of providers and what the costs are.  Here
> >>are a few off the top of my head:
> >>
> >>Packet8 - http://www.packet8.net/ - $19.99/mo unlimited US
> >>Vonage - http://www.vonage.com/ - $29.99/mo unlimited US
> >>Coloco - http://www.coloco.com/telecom/index.php - (No listed prices,
> >>but the divmod guys are reselling this.  I could ask them.)
> >>iConnectHere - http://iconnecthere.com/ - ~$0.01-$0.035 per minute
> >>depending on how much you pay per month
> >>
> >>Any others worth mentioning?
> >>
voicepulse gives you vo-ip or IAX to PSTN .  I found IAX to be more
reliable than vo-ip using different softphones and asterisk.  And am
more interested in the pbx stuff I can do with asterisk.

But you mentioned you don't care for asterisk.


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