[nycbug-talk] August Meeting

pete wright pete
Sun Jun 13 14:03:51 EDT 2004

On Jun 12, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Kevin Reiter wrote:

>> Big I. . .how about the video. .?  We should get these meetings
>> digitized and online. ..
> I can convert the existing ones to a DivX .avi if any wants me to...

heh, this raises a very interesting situation.  how to encode these 
movies.  from my experience i've had major issues with DivX.  Yes they 
say it's cross platform, but it seems lately the codecs have been a 
little flakey.  for example i had a windows user encode a DivX .avi 
that would not play on any non-windows platform.  most likely the user 
used an odd codec, but it was still a pain in the a**.  at click3x we 
usually post movies as quicktimes (yea lame non mac/win32 support) or 
mpeg2's.  do other folks have any ideas on how we should post 
video...maybe real format (lame but it is cross platform).


> -Kevin
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