[nycbug-talk] Hello from Toronto !

Matador matador-gtabug
Mon Jun 28 12:44:55 EDT 2004


First off, I prefer quoting above old text.  So that's why I am writing 
here.  But anyway ...

I was in NYC one time, back in March.

That's when I first colo'd the gtabug.ca server in NYC.  We are actually 
hosted at Telehouse's 25 Broadway location.

To be honest, I sort of jumped in on this list with some alterior motives.

Incase the server dies for whatever reason, I was hoping someone would 
volunteer to be on a email/phone standby :)

But if I ever am in the NYC area, I'll give this list a post.

So with like > 12 million in NYC, how many you got on this list between 
lurkers+active talkers ?

We have ~110 on our list, with like 25-30 or so unique posters within a 

We have had a few successful installathons here, with one netting over 
25 people showing up.

Anyway, take it easy !

 From Toronto,


Isaac Levy wrote:

> Hi All!
> On Jun 27, 2004, at 1:57 AM, Matador wrote:
>> Hello from us here with gtabug.ca -- Greater Toronto Area BSD UG
>> We usually meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at a downtown pizza parlour.
>> And have lots of greasy meat filled/topping pizza w/ beer.
>> Cheers,
>> --Matador
> /me raises the coffee mug northward this early morning!  If in Toronto, 
> I definately wanna look yall' up- and if in NYC, email this list and 
> we'll all hook up!!!!!!
> btw- nice site, nice pics of Ken Thompson and Dennis Richtie on yall's 
> homepage! (Pete- that answers that one)-  but what model is that sexy 
> terminal next to your logo?
> Rocket,
> .ike

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