[nycbug-talk] ports. . .

Mikel King mikel.king
Wed Aug 10 22:00:55 EDT 2005

On Aug 10, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Dru wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, George R. wrote:
>> Have an idea, and was wondering what others think on the list.
>> There are lots of ports and pkgs. . . we all know enough that we  
>> don't know them all, and there are frequently queries to the list  
>> that are easily satisfied by a port or pkg somewhere.
>> Would it be useful to create an area on the upcoming www site  
>> revision with port reviews?  (sorry to jump in your space MW). . .  
>> The idea is that there's so many ports out there, and over time we  
>> all find the ones we like/need in a desktop or server context, but  
>> I know from my experience, I tend to learn more about ports on  
>> this list than anywhere else.  The other way is that I watch as  
>> cvsup updates ports, and think 'hey, that looks interesting. . .'
>> Dru's comments about porteasy struck me, as did Marc's input on  
>> port-maintenance-tools.
>> Thoughts on this?
>> Maybe we could categorize by category or function.  It would be  
>> more of a place to browse and find new things, not a replacement  
>> for freshports or ports browser.
> Thinking along the same vein but going down a different fork in the  
> road, here's a different approach:
> - ask the projects what they think about having an extra hyperlink  
> called "reviews" next to the ports that have them
> The advantage to this is one stop shopping. The disadvantage is  
> coordinating the reviews and the commits.
> Along the same lines, it might be easier to approach Dan and see  
> what he thinks about such a thing for freshports...
> I have another ports idea, but I'll put it in a separate email.
> Dru

I think the latter approach would be best. As it would require the  
least effort from the developers, and definitely fp or even dn would  
be the best place to add this sort of end user drive db.

Mikel King
CIO, Director of Network Operations
Optimized Computer Solutions, INC
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
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