[nycbug-talk] Mailist Workaround For Gmail Users

Scott Robbins scottro11
Sat Aug 13 16:14:32 EDT 2005

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On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 02:52:46PM -0400, hzs202 at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> Earlier this week there was a thread concerning Gmail and a quirky
> little function that support which is annoying for mailist users. The
> function disallowed the sender to see his/her original post. Well I
> think I found a workaround that has been working for me.
> If you create a filter for the list and dump in into a *label* (special
> Gmail feature) you should be able to see your post both in the label and
> when you download you email. For instance when I run:

Ok, I'm testing this now. Of course, I did it backwards, but that's me.
I created a label called nycbug, then went to filters and chose if to
nycbug.org apply label nycbug.  So, let's see what happens.  :)

- -- 

Scott Robbins

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