[nycbug-talk] Lectures @ Stevens: Open Source and System Administration

George R. george
Tue Aug 23 23:24:56 EDT 2005

Sorry to top-post, but. . .

As an FYI, we usually don't allow any adverts like this, but you may 
recognize the name Hubert Feyrer. . . he's a NetBSD developer and 
creator of G4U. . .

I think he's courses are very relevant to talk members, and I 
recommended he post to the list. . . he's visiting from Germany for a 
bit, and enrolling in his courses means he gets to stay for a while ;-)


Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> There will be two courses at Stevens Institute of Technology at Hoboken, 
> NJ, this fall that may be of interest to you, "Open Source" and "System 
> Administration":
> 1) "Open Source" (CS765E)
> Open Source became popular in public with the discussion about using it 
> in the cities of Austin (Texas), Mexico City (Mexico) or in European 
> cities like Bergen (Norway) or Munich (Germany). But Open Source systems 
> consist of a lot more than the Linux operating systems and other software
> Topics covered in the lecture include: Historical background of Free and 
> Open Source Software; Alternatives to the Office standard; Architecture 
> of Open Source systems; the Open Source toolchain (compilers, GNU 
> autoconf, libtool); Manual software installation - configure ; make ; 
> make install and beyond; Managing source code with RCS and CVS; License 
> models and their effects; Earning money with free software; Source-based 
> packaging systems; Role of the Internet in Open Source software; and 
> many more.
> Instructor: Hubert Feyrer <feyrer at cs.stevens.edu>
> Scheduled:  Monday, 6:15 - 8:45pm, see homepage for place
> Homepage:   http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~feyrer/OS/en/
> Flyer:      http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~feyrer/OSflyer.pdf
> 2) "System Administration" (CS765D)
> Now there you are with your shiny RedHat, MacOS X or whatever 
> installation, you've clicked all the buttons that the GUI came with, but 
> you still don't know what's going on inside the machine? Fear not, help 
> is at hand! This lecture is intended for Unix neophytes who want to know 
> what to do with the system, and how, without relying on fancy user 
> interfaces. Experienced users will gain deeper understanding in the 
> various subsystems of Unix, their interaction and configuration.
> Topics discussed in the lecture include: A historical overview of the 
> history of Unix, and why there is no such thing called Unix; the login 
> process - diving into the system; tools to use standalone and for 
> process automation; retrieving information about the system; Process 
> automation shell scripting with /bin/sh; examining system startup and 
> shutdown as application of shell scripts; networking under Unix: basics, 
> secure communication, managing clusters of workstations; the X Window 
> System; security considerations; using Perl for user management in a 
> heterogeneous Unix+Windows environment; software management; backups. 
> Focus in examples is put on, but not limited to, Solaris, NetBSD and Linux.
> Instructor: Hubert Feyrer <feyrer at cs.stevens.edu>
> Scheduled:  Wednesday, 6:15 - 8:45pm, see homepage for place
> Homepage:   http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~feyrer/OS/en/
> Flyer:      http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~feyrer/OSflyer.pdf
> Interested parties are asked to enroll at Stevens as Special Students by 
> August 29th, for all the gory details please see 
> http://gradschool.stevens-tech.edu/admissions/domestic.html.
> If this is not of interest to you, please bear with me.
> Please send any questions regarding the courses to me via email.
> Thanks!
>  - Hubert
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