[nycbug-talk] Getting started in Consulting

Daniel Krook krook
Fri Jul 1 17:31:20 EDT 2005

> On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Matt Juszczak wrote:
> > I've been wanting to setup some kind of versioning 
> system, so a team of 
> > developers could add new features, make modifications, 
> etc. etc.  That way 
> > new modules could be built to integrate with certain 
> things, and the site 
> > could be really successful.
> How about CVS?
> For the project I do with a partner, we have found CVS to 
> work ok. I am 
> sure there are likely other options, but CVS comes with 
> FreeBSD and likely 
> most other BSDs.
> I could help you offlist to set it up and with the basic 
> "how to". After 
> the setup it's just a couple of commands that one needs to use.


Not sure how much this will help you, but I have some notes available on 
setting up a CVS repository and then configuring Eclipse on Windows as a 
client to connect to it over SSH. 

There are lots of ways to connect to CVS from a workstation, I just happen 
to use Eclipse-based editors for most of my work and think they have a 
slick interface to CVS.  This approach also avoids most of the complexity 
that Hans mentioned, though it depends how how you plan to do your 

The instructions say Solaris/Windows XP/WSAD, but most of the server parts 
should work on *BSD (or Linux) and with Eclipse 2.x or 3.x.


Good luck with the BSDJOBS project.

Daniel Krook, Advisory IT Specialist 
Application Development, Production Services - Tools, ibm.com

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