[nycbug-talk] OpenBSD, numbering disks...

Jesse Callaway jesse
Tue Jul 19 01:46:46 EDT 2005

On Monday 18 July 2005 11:59 pm, George Georgalis says:
> What's the best way to assure my root ata disk doesn't get renumbered,
> when new sata drives are added?

There isn't one. The number will get bumped. Not when you're running, but if 
you reboot. So I'm assuming this is only a problem when rebooting. Maybe you 
could.. i'ts stupid... but maybe you could have different CD's labeled #1, 
#2, etc... Leave instructions taped to the machine to pop the CD in 
corresponding to how many drives are in the bay and reboot. If you do have to 
rewrite fstab everytime you boot then at least it cuts down on the unknowns 
because you know what the numbering scheme will be, after testing these 
little CD's you've burned. They could even be the mini-CD's with different 
colors and corresponding colors next to the bay slots. I'm going way off 
topic, but I think it's the easiest solution.


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