Jabber on FreeBSD was (Re: [nycbug-talk] AIM's new licence is dangerious)

Jonathan jonathan
Sat Mar 12 11:52:15 EST 2005

Daniel Gonzalez wrote:
> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Mar 12, 2005, at 1:26 AM, Marc Spitzer wrote:
>>> Here is the key bit, it says they effectivly have the right to
>>> copy/sell/use everything that goes through their aim software or
>>> servers:
>>> here is the full url:
>>> http://www.aim.com/tos/tos.adp
>> Well it also states:
>> The following terms and conditions apply to all users who either 
>> registered for AIM services or downloaded AIM updates or software on 
>> or after February 5, 2004. AIM users who do not register for AIM 
>> services or download AIM updates or software on or after February 5, 
>> 2004 and are members of the Netscape Network will remain bound by 
>> Netscape's terms and conditions. All other AIM users are bound by the 
>> aol.com terms and conditions.
>> So a different TOS might apply...
>> It's not cool either way, though.  Maybe it'll drum up some users for 
>> Jabber?  I'm certainly going to be using Jabber a lot more when Apple 
>> supports it in a few months.
>> -bob
> The license terms are disturbing...Does Jabber support AIM and YahooIM 
> protocols? I didn't know there was a Jabber port for FreeBSD.
> Regards
> Dan Gonzalez 

I've been running Jabberd2 without any issues for >6 months.  Not many 
users though mostly just me, my brothers, and a few friends.  I don't 
actually run my own transports but there are transports out there for 
every IM protocol I've heard of.  Some work quite well but some don't 
work very well in my experience.  That may also partially be the fault 
of the server running the transport.  I know of transports for AIM 
Yahoo! ICQ MSN Gadu-Gadu and IRC but have only successfully used AIM MSN 
and Yahoo!


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