[nycbug-talk] multi-boot madness

Okan Demirmen okan
Sun Mar 13 21:29:46 EST 2005

On Sun 2005.03.13 at 18:22 -0500, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> Howdy,
> For a number of reasons I have two boxes that I want to install all 
> current *BSDs on.  So far I have been less than successful in 
> finding/using a good boot-selector for this.  I totally creamed something 
> when I got to NetBSD.  From what I gather GRUB is a decent choice, but 
> then I run into my next problem...  There appear to be evil floppy drive 
> spirits that have rendered just about every floppy drive I own useless, so 
> whatever I choose, it's all gotta be CD only (plus that's the future 
> anyhow, right?).
> Any suggestions?  From the little I can figure out about grub, it's hard 
> to install it if you don't:
> -have a floppy drive
> -install linux
> I've been a BSD user and admin for a long time and I've been a complete 
> "one os per machine" guy for all that time, so I'm really out of the loop 
> on what's out there and have little understanding of the issues involved.

i use booteasy. "works for me" disclaimer ;)


Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
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