[nycbug-talk] Fwd: Adaptec AAC raid support

Okan Demirmen okan
Mon Mar 21 14:16:56 EST 2005

On Mon 2005.03.21 at 14:03 -0500, Dan Langille wrote:
> On 21 Mar 2005 at 13:49, G. Rosamond wrote:
> > First, it is clear that the Adaptec debate has built more walls between  
> > OpenBSD and FreeBSD.  That is why I would hold off on cheering for  
> > either Scott Long of FreeBSD and Theo of OpenBSD.  Negative divisions,  
> > as opposed to different focuses and directions, is *not* good by any  
> > means.
> What's the Scott Long connection to this?

he *used* to work for Adaptec, therefore he had access to the docs.
he wrote the freebsd driver and i believe the binary only part to
do raid management, with said docs. he has also come out and said
there are *lots* of bugs within each firmware for each card which
need working around - he was the only one with that knowlegde when
he worked there - not sure if he knows about how to workaround new
bugs...question is why doesn't the community at large know about
these "bugs" and more importantly, how to actually write the driver
instead of reverse engineering it.

> > They are pushing all the other cards. . .  most recently, the card  
> > mentioned repeatedly was the LSI/AMI MegaRAID.
> FWIW, I recently bought two new 64bit LSI SCSI card for US$34.  I'm 
> quite happy with it.

and the raid cards are nice too.

> -- 
> Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
> BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference - http://www.bsdcan.org/
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Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
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