[nycbug-talk] What client connected to nfsd?

Francisco Reyes lists at stringsutils.com
Sun Apr 16 15:40:15 EDT 2006

Marc Spitzer writes:

> yes it will, if you run it on the server you will get the pid of the
> server proceess connected to client ip:port.  I get the following
> fields:
> user
> command
> pid
> fd
> proto
> local address
> foreign address

I must be missing something. :-(

I do 
sockstat | egrep "416|415|....|427"|less

Where the dots represent the PIDs of the most heavily used nfsd processes. 
Only one that comes up is: 

root     nfsd       415   3  tcp4   *:2049                *:*

I also tried
sockstat |grep "2049" and get exactly the same line.

However tcpdump returns lines such as:
15:36:.. IP <IP>.1759450495 > <IP>.nfs: 176 lookup [|nfs]

I am a tcpdump newbie.. Am I missing a port in that line?

It seems as if sockstat doesn't report the communication going on in nfs. 

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