[nycbug-talk] radrails on FreeBSD?

Anthony Elizondo anthony.elizondo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 15:46:57 EDT 2006

On 7/7/06, Charles Sprickman <spork at bway.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know nothing of Java other than it's a pain in the ass. :)
> I see there's a port of radrails, and I wanted to give it a spin.  Running
> the port-installed radrails simply gives me this:
> spork at allen$ radrails
> Fatal: Stack size too small. Use 'java -Xss' to increase default stack
> size.
> Setting the stack size larger using the suggested command results in the
> same error message.
> I've also downloaded the radrails zip for linux and it goes much further
> (I get an X error box) and then logs this:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> /usr/home/spork/bin/radrails/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/49/1/.cp/libswt-pi-gtk-3229.so:
> Shared object "libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0" not found, required by
> "libswt-pi-gtk-3229.so"
> Now the radrails port has installed linux_base and libgtk for linux, and
> that library exists in /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib/.  How can I tell java to
> look there?  I'm very much lost in java/linux land...

Do you perhaps have some other Java installed? What is the output of
"java -version"?

I have 1.5.0, and use it for most everything, but I do keep
linux-sun-jdk1.4.2 around for situations like this. I grabbed the
Linux zip and ran it, first resetting my JAVA_HOME:

[aelizondo at neckface ~/radrails/radrails]$ export
[aelizondo at neckface ~/radrails/radrails]$ ./radrails

and it worked out of the box for me.

Here is my setup and what I have installed:

neckface# uname -a ; portversion -v
FreeBSD neckface.company.net 5.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE #0: Fri
Nov  5 04:19:18 UTC 2004
root at harlow.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
BitchX-1.1                  =  up-to-date with port
ImageMagick-       =  up-to-date with port
ORBit2-2.14.0_1             =  up-to-date with port
OpenEXR-1.2.2_1             =  up-to-date with port
Xaw3d-1.5E_1                =  up-to-date with port
acroread7-7.0.1_2,1         =  up-to-date with port
acroreadwrapper-0.0.20060221  =  up-to-date with port
adns-1.2_1                  =  up-to-date with port
apache-1.3.36               =  up-to-date with port
apr-gdbm-db42-1.2.7_1       =  up-to-date with port
arts-1.5.2,1                <  needs updating (port has 1.5.3_1,1)
aspell-0.60.4_3             =  up-to-date with port
atk-1.11.4_1                =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.13.000227_5      =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.53_3             =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.59_2             =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.4.6_2            =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.9.6              =  up-to-date with port
avahi-0.6.10_3              =  up-to-date with port
bash-3.1.17                 =  up-to-date with port
bison-1.75_2,1              =  up-to-date with port
bitstream-vera-1.10_2       =  up-to-date with port
boxtools-0.70.0             =  up-to-date with port
bsdiff-4.3                  =  up-to-date with port
bsdsar-1.10_2               =  up-to-date with port
cacti-0.8.6h_42             =  up-to-date with port
cairo-1.0.4_1               =  up-to-date with port
cups-base-        <  needs updating (port has 1.2.0_2)
curl-7.15.3                 =  up-to-date with port
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_2   =  up-to-date with port
cyrus-sasl-2.1.21_2         <  needs updating (port has 2.1.22)
db42-4.2.52_4               =  up-to-date with port
dbus-0.61_3                 <  needs updating (port has 0.62)
desktop-file-utils-0.11     =  up-to-date with port
djbfft-0.76_2               =  up-to-date with port
docbook-sk-4.1.2_3          =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xml-4.2_1           =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xml-4.3             =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xml-4.4             =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xsl-1.69.1_1        <  needs updating (port has 1.70.1)
dri-6.4.1,2                 =  up-to-date with port
easytag-1.1_1               =  up-to-date with port
esound-0.2.36_1             =  up-to-date with port
ethereal-0.99.0_2           =  up-to-date with port
expat-2.0.0_1               =  up-to-date with port
expect-5.43.0               =  up-to-date with port
ezm3-1.2_1                  =  up-to-date with port
festival-1.95_1             =  up-to-date with port
festlex-cmu-1.95            =  up-to-date with port
festlex-poslex-1.4.1_2      =  up-to-date with port
festvox-kal8-1.4.0_1        =  up-to-date with port
figlet-2.2.1                =  up-to-date with port
filelight-0.6.4_4           =  up-to-date with port
firefox-,1           =  up-to-date with port
flac-1.1.2_1                =  up-to-date with port
fluxbox-0.1.14_2            =  up-to-date with port
fontconfig-2.3.2_5,1        =  up-to-date with port
fpkg-0.2                    =  up-to-date with port
freebsd-sha256-20050310     =  up-to-date with port
freetype2-2.1.10_3          =  up-to-date with port
fsv-0.9_2                   =  up-to-date with port
gail-1.8.11_1               =  up-to-date with port
gaim-1.5.0_4                =  up-to-date with port
gamin-0.1.7_2               =  up-to-date with port
gconf2-2.14.0_2             =  up-to-date with port
gd-2.0.33_4,1               =  up-to-date with port
gdbm-1.8.3_2                =  up-to-date with port
gettext-0.14.5_2            =  up-to-date with port
ghostscript-gnu-7.07_15     =  up-to-date with port
glib-1.2.10_12              =  up-to-date with port
glib-2.10.3                 =  up-to-date with port
gmake-3.81_1                =  up-to-date with port
gnome-desktop-2.14.2_1      =  up-to-date with port
gnome-doc-utils-0.6.1       =  up-to-date with port
gnome-icon-theme-2.14.2     =  up-to-date with port
gnome-menu-editor-0.6       =  up-to-date with port
gnome-menus-2.14.0          =  up-to-date with port
gnome-panel-2.14.2_2        =  up-to-date with port
gnome-vfs-2.14.2_3          =  up-to-date with port
gnomehier-2.1_2             =  up-to-date with port
gnomekeyring-0.4.9          =  up-to-date with port
gnomemimedata-2.4.2         =  up-to-date with port
gnuplot-4.0.0_4             =  up-to-date with port
gnutls-1.2.11               =  up-to-date with port
gsfonts-8.11_2              =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-0.10.8            =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-ffmpeg80-0.8.7_3  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-0.10.8,1  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-a52dec80-0.8.12_2  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-core80-0.8.11_7  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-dts80-0.8.12_1  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-dvd80-0.8.12_2  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-libpng80-0.8.12_4  <  needs updating (port has 0.8.12_5)
gstreamer-plugins-mad80-0.8.12_3  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.8_1,1  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-pango80-0.8.12_2  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-vorbis80-0.8.12_2  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-xvid80-0.8.12_1  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins80-0.8.12_2  =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer80-0.8.12_1        =  up-to-date with port
gtk-1.2.10_15               =  up-to-date with port
gtk-2.8.18_1                <  needs updating (port has 2.8.19)
gtk-engines2-2.6.8          <  needs updating (port has 2.6.9)
gtkglarea-1.2.3_1           =  up-to-date with port
gtkglext-1.0.6_5            <  needs updating (port has 1.2.0)
gtksourceview-1.6.1_1       =  up-to-date with port
gtkspell2-2.0.11_3          =  up-to-date with port
gv-3.6.1                    =  up-to-date with port
heimdal-0.6.6               =  up-to-date with port
help2man-1.36.4_1           =  up-to-date with port
hicolor-icon-theme-0.5      =  up-to-date with port
id3lib-3.8.3_2              <  needs updating (port has 3.8.3_3)
imake-6.9.0                 =  up-to-date with port
instiki-0.11.0_1            =  up-to-date with port
intltool-0.35.0             =  up-to-date with port
jackit-0.100.0_2            <  needs updating (port has 0.101.1_1)
jasper-1.701.0_1            =  up-to-date with port
javavmwrapper-2.3           =  up-to-date with port
jbigkit-1.6                 =  up-to-date with port
jdk-1.5.0p3                 <  needs updating (port has 1.5.0p3_1)
jpeg-6b_4                   =  up-to-date with port
kdehier-1.0_9               =  up-to-date with port
kdelibs-3.5.2_1             <  needs updating (port has 3.5.3)
lame-3.96.1                 =  up-to-date with port
lcms-1.14_1,1               =  up-to-date with port
ldconfig_compat-1.0_8       =  up-to-date with port
lftp-3.4.7                  =  up-to-date with port
libIDL-0.8.6_2              =  up-to-date with port
libXft-2.1.7_1              =  up-to-date with port
liba52-0.7.4_1              =  up-to-date with port
libao-esound-0.8.5_2        =  up-to-date with port
libart_lgpl2-2.3.17_1       =  up-to-date with port
libaudiofile-0.2.6          =  up-to-date with port
libbonobo-2.14.0_2          =  up-to-date with port
libbonoboui-2.14.0_1        =  up-to-date with port
libcroco-0.6.1              =  up-to-date with port
libdaemon-0.10_1            =  up-to-date with port
libdrm-2.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
libdts-0.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
libdvdcss-1.2.9_2           =  up-to-date with port
libdvdnav-0.1.10_1          =  up-to-date with port
libdvdread-0.9.4_1          =  up-to-date with port
libfpx-             =  up-to-date with port
libgcrypt-1.2.2_1           =  up-to-date with port
libglade2-2.5.1_5           =  up-to-date with port
libglut-6.4.2               =  up-to-date with port
libgnome-2.14.1_1           =  up-to-date with port
libgnomecanvas-2.14.0_1     =  up-to-date with port
libgnomecups-0.2.2_1,1      =  up-to-date with port
libgnomeprint-2.12.1_1      <  needs updating (port has 2.12.1_2)
libgnomeprintui-2.12.1_1    =  up-to-date with port
libgnomeui-2.14.1_1         =  up-to-date with port
libgpg-error-1.3            =  up-to-date with port
libgsf-1.14.1               =  up-to-date with port
libgtkhtml-2.11.0_1         =  up-to-date with port
libiconv-1.9.2_2            =  up-to-date with port
libid3tag-0.15.1b           =  up-to-date with port
libidn-0.6.3                =  up-to-date with port
libltdl-1.5.22              =  up-to-date with port
libmad-0.15.1b_2            =  up-to-date with port
libmng-1.0.9                =  up-to-date with port
libogg-1.1.3,3              =  up-to-date with port
liboil-0.3.8                <  needs updating (port has 0.3.9)
libopendaap-0.4.0_1         =  up-to-date with port
librsvg2-2.14.4             =  up-to-date with port
libsndfile-1.0.16           =  up-to-date with port
libtasn1-0.3.4              =  up-to-date with port
libtool-1.5.22_2            =  up-to-date with port
libvorbis-1.1.2,3           =  up-to-date with port
libwnck-2.14.1_1            <  needs updating (port has 2.14.2_1)
libxml2-2.6.26              =  up-to-date with port
libxslt-1.1.16_2            <  needs updating (port has 1.1.17)
linc-1.0.3_6                =  up-to-date with port
links-2.1.p21,1             =  up-to-date with port
linux-XFree86-libs-  =  up-to-date with port
linux-atk-1.8.0_2           =  up-to-date with port
linux-expat-1.95.7_1        =  up-to-date with port
linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_4    =  up-to-date with port
linux-glib2-2.4.8_2         =  up-to-date with port
linux-gtk2-2.4.14_4         =  up-to-date with port
linux-jpeg-6b.33_1          =  up-to-date with port
linux-pango-1.6.0_2         =  up-to-date with port
linux-png-1.2.8_1           =  up-to-date with port
linux-sun-jdk-      <  needs updating (port has
linux-tiff-3.6.1_6          =  up-to-date with port
linux_base-8-8.0_15         <  needs updating (port has 8.0_16)
lsof-4.77                   =  up-to-date with port
lua-5.0.2_1                 =  up-to-date with port
m4-1.4.4                    =  up-to-date with port
mDNSResponder-107.5         =  up-to-date with port
mkfile-1.1                  =  up-to-date with port
mozilla-1.7.13,2            =  up-to-date with port
mpeg2codec-1.2_1            =  up-to-date with port
mplayer-gtk-esound-0.99.7_14  <  needs updating (port has 0.99.7_15)
mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1       =  up-to-date with port
mysql-client-4.1.18_1       <  needs updating (port has 4.1.20)
mysql-server-4.1.18_2       <  needs updating (port has 4.1.20)
nano-1.2.5                  =  up-to-date with port
nas-1.7c                    <  needs updating (port has 1.8)
nasm-0.98.39,1              =  up-to-date with port
neon-0.25.5                 =  up-to-date with port
net-snmp-5.2.2_2            =  up-to-date with port
nload-0.6.0                 =  up-to-date with port
nmap-4.10                   =  up-to-date with port
nspr-4.6.1                  =  up-to-date with port
nss-3.11.1                  =  up-to-date with port
ntp-4.2.0_1                 <  needs updating (port has 4.2.2)
open-motif-2.2.3_2          =  up-to-date with port
openldap-client-2.2.30      =  up-to-date with port
p5-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1901    =  up-to-date with port
p5-BFD-0.31                 =  up-to-date with port
p5-Class-Accessor-0.25      =  up-to-date with port
p5-Class-Autouse-1.26       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Clone-0.20               =  up-to-date with port
p5-Compress-Zlib-1.41       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Data-Hierarchy-0.22      =  up-to-date with port
p5-Data-UUID-0.14           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-1.15              =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-MD5-2.36          =  up-to-date with port
p5-File-Type-0.22           =  up-to-date with port
p5-File-chdir-0.06          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Font-AFM-1.19            =  up-to-date with port
p5-FreezeThaw-0.43          =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Format-2.04         =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Parser-3.54         =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.10         =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Tree-3.19.01        <  needs updating (port has 3.20)
p5-I18N-LangTags-0.35       =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Digest-0.10           =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Pager-0.06            =  up-to-date with port
p5-IPC-Run3-0.034           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Locale-Maketext-1.09_1   <  needs updating (port has 1.10)
p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-0.61  <  needs updating (port has 0.62)
p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.16  =  up-to-date with port
p5-MIME-Base64-3.07         =  up-to-date with port
p5-PathTools-3.18           =  up-to-date with port
p5-PerlIO-eol-0.13          =  up-to-date with port
p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.12  =  up-to-date with port
p5-PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Pod-Escapes-1.04         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Pod-Parser-1.34          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Pod-Simple-3.04          =  up-to-date with port
p5-PodToHTML-0.05_1         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Regexp-Common-2.120      =  up-to-date with port
p5-Regexp-Shellish-0.93     =  up-to-date with port
p5-SVN-Mirror-0.68          =  up-to-date with port
p5-SVN-Simple-0.27          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.18,1  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Spiffy-0.30              =  up-to-date with port
p5-Storable-2.15            =  up-to-date with port
p5-Term-ReadKey-2.30        =  up-to-date with port
p5-Test-Base-0.50           <  needs updating (port has 0.51)
p5-Test-Harness-2.60        <  needs updating (port has 2.62)
p5-Test-Simple-0.62         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Text-Aligner-0.03        =  up-to-date with port
p5-Text-Diff-0.35           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Text-Table-1.107         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2001.0929  <  needs updating (port has 2005.0824)
p5-Time-HiRes-1.87,1        =  up-to-date with port
p5-TimeDate-1.16,1          =  up-to-date with port
p5-URI-1.35                 =  up-to-date with port
p5-VCP-autrijus-0.9.20050110  =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-AutoWriter-0.39      =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-Parser-2.34_2        =  up-to-date with port
p5-YAML-0.58                =  up-to-date with port
p5-gettext-1.05_1           =  up-to-date with port
p5-prefork-1.00             =  up-to-date with port
p7zip-4.42                  =  up-to-date with port
pango-1.12.3                =  up-to-date with port
pcre-6.6_1                  =  up-to-date with port
pdflib-6.0.3                =  up-to-date with port
perl-5.8.8                  =  up-to-date with port
php4-4.4.2_2                =  up-to-date with port
php4-mysql-4.4.2_2          =  up-to-date with port
php4-pcre-4.4.2_2           =  up-to-date with port
php4-session-4.4.2_2        =  up-to-date with port
php4-xml-4.4.2_2            =  up-to-date with port
pkgconfig-0.20_2            =  up-to-date with port
png-1.2.8_3                 =  up-to-date with port
popt-1.7_1                  =  up-to-date with port
portaudio-18.1_2            =  up-to-date with port
portsnap-1.1                =  up-to-date with port
portupgrade-,2       =  up-to-date with port
postgresql-client-8.1.4     =  up-to-date with port
postgresql-server-8.1.4     <  needs updating (port has 8.1.4_1)
py24-imaging-1.1.5_2        =  up-to-date with port
py24-libxml2-2.6.26         =  up-to-date with port
py24-tkinter-2.4.3_1        =  up-to-date with port
python-2.4.3                =  up-to-date with port
qmake-3.3.6                 =  up-to-date with port
qt-3.3.6_2                  =  up-to-date with port
rapidsvn-0.9.0_1            =  up-to-date with port
rdesktop-1.4.1              =  up-to-date with port
rename-1.3                  =  up-to-date with port
rpm-3.0.6_13                =  up-to-date with port
rrdtool-1.2.12_1            =  up-to-date with port
ruby-1.8.4_8,1              =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-atk-0.14.1           =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2           =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-cairo-1.0.0          =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gconf2-0.14.1        =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gdk_pixbuf2-0.14.1   =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gems-0.8.11          =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-glib2-0.14.1         =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gnome2-0.14.1        =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gnome2-all-0.14.1_1  =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gnomecanvas2-0.14.1  =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gnomeprint-0.14.1    =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gnomeprintui-0.14.1  =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gnomevfs-0.14.1      =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gst-0.14.1           =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gtk2-0.14.1          =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gtkglext-0.14.1_1    =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gtkhtml2-0.14.1      =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gtkmozembed-0.14.1   =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-gtksourceview-0.14.1  =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-iconv-1.8.4,1        =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-libart2-0.14.1       =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-libglade2-0.14.1     =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-opengl-0.32b_2       =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-panelapplet-0.14.1   =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-pango-0.14.1         =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-rsvg2-0.14.1         =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-sqlite3-0.9.0        =  up-to-date with port
rubygem-bluecloth-1.0.0     =  up-to-date with port
rubygem-rake-0.7.1          =  up-to-date with port
samba-3.0.22,1              =  up-to-date with port
samba-libsmbclient-3.0.22   =  up-to-date with port
screen-4.0.2_4              =  up-to-date with port
scrollkeeper-0.3.14_4,1     =  up-to-date with port
sdocbook-xml-      =  up-to-date with port
shared-mime-info-0.17_1     =  up-to-date with port
shishi-0.0.22_2             =  up-to-date with port
sqlite-3.3.6                =  up-to-date with port
startup-notification-0.8_2  =  up-to-date with port
subversion-perl-1.3.2       =  up-to-date with port
svk-1.07                    =  up-to-date with port
swig-1.3.29_2               =  up-to-date with port
tcl-8.4.13,1                <  needs updating (port has 8.4.13_1,1)
texinfo-4.8_3               =  up-to-date with port
tiff-3.8.2                  =  up-to-date with port
tk-8.4.13,2                 =  up-to-date with port
unix2dos-1.3                =  up-to-date with port
unrar-3.60.b4,3             =  up-to-date with port
unzip-5.52_2                =  up-to-date with port
vim-6.4.9                   <  needs updating (port has 7.0.35)
wavplay-1.4_2               =  up-to-date with port
wget-1.10.2                 =  up-to-date with port
win32-codecs-3.1.0.p7_2,1   =  up-to-date with port
wxgtk2-2.4.2_10             =  up-to-date with port
xlockmore-5.22              =  up-to-date with port
xmlcatmgr-2.2               =  up-to-date with port
xorg-6.9.0                  =  up-to-date with port
xorg-clients-6.9.0_3        =  up-to-date with port
xorg-documents-6.9.0        =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-100dpi-6.9.0_1   =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-75dpi-6.9.0_1    =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-6.9.0_1  =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-encodings-6.9.0_1  =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-6.9.0_1  =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-truetype-6.9.0   =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-type1-6.9.0      =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fontserver-6.9.0_1     =  up-to-date with port
xorg-libraries-6.9.0        =  up-to-date with port
xorg-manpages-6.9.0         =  up-to-date with port
xorg-nestserver-6.9.0       =  up-to-date with port
xorg-printserver-6.9.0_1    =  up-to-date with port
xorg-server-6.9.0_4         =  up-to-date with port
xorg-vfbserver-6.9.0_1      =  up-to-date with port
xterm-213                   <  needs updating (port has 215)
xv-3.10a_5                  =  up-to-date with port
xvid-1.1.0,1                =  up-to-date with port
zip-2.31                    =  up-to-date with port

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