[nycbug-talk] EuroBSDCon 2006

Jan Schaumann jschauma at netmeister.org
Thu Jun 8 10:53:59 EDT 2006

EuroBSDCon 2006, the European BSD Conference will take place from
November 10th - 12th 2006, in Milan, Italy.  Hosted in the foggy
northern Italy, the fifth EuroBSDCon aims at being a new successful
chapter in the itinerant series of european BSD conferences.

EuroBSDCon represents the biggest gathering for BSD developers from the
old continent, as well as users and passionates from around the World.
It is also a chance to share experiences, know-how, and cultures.  The
Call for Papers has been announced; the deadline is July 15th.


"The last time anybody made a list of the top hundred character
attributes of New Yorkers, common sense snuck in at number 79."
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