[nycbug-talk] Going to BSDCan

Massimiliano Stucchi stucchi at willystudios.com
Wed May 3 05:17:54 EDT 2006

On 270406, 23:55, Massimiliano Stucchi wrote:
> I'm travelling with (hopefully, if passports will be ready) other two
> Italian guys, and since we've had problems finding somebody to travel
> with, we're now going to rent a car and drive up by ourselves.  Looking
> at quotes we can get, we can have a 7-seats car with a few dollars more
> than the 4-seats one we're going to get.

As a followup, we now have decided to get a van, 7 seater.  We still
have 1 seat, probably 2.  If there's anybody out there wanting to come,
just let me know.

We will be leaving on wednesday, may 10th, and be coming back on Sunday,
may 14th.

Ciao !

Massimiliano Stucchi
stucchi at willystudios.com
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