[nycbug-talk] Google tech talk: "How the FreeBSD Project Work"

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Tue Jul 3 17:23:22 EDT 2007

Hey All,

On Jul 3, 2007, at 5:03 PM, George Rosamond wrote:

> Heard this talk a while back, and it's useful for insight about more
> than just running an open source project. . .

Yeah!  Well worth watching...

 From AsiaBSDCon, Robert Watson gave this talk right next to Ryan  
McBride speaking about the structure of the OpenBSD project.

They all had a lot of cross-pollination and good stuff to discuss  
after the meeting:


> As I'm sure Ike will note at Thursday's meeting, there's some common
> things in successful projects, going back to the days pre-Unix.

Well, there's common things with failed projects too... :)

A big point I took from this lecture is that it's ALL ABOUT PEOPLE.


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