[nycbug-talk] IPv6 and CIDR confusion

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Fri Mar 23 17:08:52 EDT 2007

Hi Jonathan,

On Mar 23, 2007, at 5:00 PM, Jonathan Stewart wrote:

> Isaac Levy wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> When searching for info about IPv6 netblocks, I found: "IPv6 uses  
>> a  CIDR-style architecture for address allocation"
>> -but it's not actually CIDR?
> It is actually CIDR style in the sense of being classless, no Class  
> A/B/C etc.

Good to know, cool.

>> Does anyone know where to find out about the breakdown of netblocks?
>> (e.g. what is a /64 for IPv6?  What is the equivalent of an IPv4   
>> Class C, (/24 with 254 usable addresses?))
> I was hoping to find something on wikipedia that would be a bit  
> easier to work through for someone new to it but the RFC always  
> works :)
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2373

An RFC is perfect.  I like my information the same way as my martini,  
a bit dry. :)


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