[nycbug-talk] Can RTSP and dumb switches coexist?

Alex Pilosov alex at pilosoft.com
Thu Oct 18 14:32:37 EDT 2007

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 jonathan at kc8onw.net wrote:

> On Thu, October 18, 2007 2:10 am, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> > a) I suppose you mean RSTP (rapid spanning tree protocol). RTSP is voip
> > blah.
> Yep, don't know how I did that one.
> > b) dumb switches *must* comply with 802.1d (the STP protocol) anyway. RSTP
> > is backward compatible (theoretically), and it should (theoretically) work
> > fine, with loops or without.
> This is good enough for me for the time being, the "RSTP switch(es)"
> would actually be one or two BSD systems and it would be a simple ring
> network just in case a wire is cut by a truck rolling through the area
> or someone knocks a plug loose etc.  Iraq is a crazy place to run a
> satellite internet access network and I'm just trying to avoid people
> waking me up all the time.  If something goes wrong with RSTP I can also
> just yank the redundant link and not worry about it.
if you already have pc routers, why not use them as proper freaking 
routers?! it is going to be so much better supported than bridging.

> The rest of your message was quite enlightening though and something I
> will definately keep in mind if I'm ever involved with a network that
> large.
it's not the size.

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