[nycbug-talk] booting FreeBSD v6.2

H. G. tekronis at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 20:31:04 EDT 2007

On 9/2/07, Brian A. Seklecki <lavalamp at spiritual-machines.org> wrote:
> > Right during the point during the boot process, when you see the little
> > spinner spinning, pay attention.
> > You'll soon see text that reads "Hit [Enter] to boot, any other key to
> go to
> > command prompt"
> Correct.  And as far as GENERIC on 6.2/amd64, this is basically an SMP
> kernel.  But the kernel version will not effect your problem so long as
> /boot/kernel/kernel is exists ~BAS
> > Right at this point, you smack any key except Enter.  You should end up
> in
> > at the boot loader's prompt,
> > which is where you can execute these commands.
> >
> l8*
>         -lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
>                http://www.spiritual-machines.org/
>      "Guilty? Yeah. But he knows it. I mean, you're guilty.
>      You just don't know it. So who's really in jail?"
>      ~Maynard James Keenan
Yes, I was stating the obvious.
But I believe in thoroughness. :D
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