[nycbug-talk] Day 2, EuroBSDCon 2007 report

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Sun Sep 16 18:11:07 EDT 2007


On Sep 16, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Miles Nordin wrote:

>     il> Pawel Jakub Dawidek, "FreeBSD and ZFS".

As an aside, Pawel's laptop is running ZFS for all but the boot  
volume, though he told me on the bus earlier that someone has already  
re-worked all the tedious parts of the bootloader- and has FreeBSD  
booting correctly from ZFS volumes.

His report is that for disk/block stability, he feels it's actually  
more stable than UFS- today.  (However the work is all in CURRENT,  
which itself is not stable today :)

> I have been using it on Solaris for a little over a year, and it
> really is ``that good''.

That's another great report to add!



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