[nycbug-talk] upcoming IPv6 meeting

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Mon Sep 17 17:21:16 EDT 2007

On Mon, 17 Sep 2007, Miles Nordin wrote:

>>>>>> "il" == Isaac Levy <ike at lesmuug.org> writes:
>    il> *practical* parts of IPv6 deployment,
> As for how to get a good no-bullshit tunnel even if you're willing to
> pay, I still don't have an answer here, unless you have some kind of
> lucky inside connection.  I've gotten a tunnel from a friend at a
> small ISP who has some Hurricane Electric transit.  he.net doesn't
> seem to be nearly as bad as they used to be (not so much
> NYC->Europe->Japan->California problems), so if you can talk them into
> selling you a colocation in New York you may be all set.

One of the places I work for is a small ISP.  After Ike's last v6 
proselytising after visting Japan, I thought it would be interesting to 
see what our upstreams offer.  We have Level3 and HE.net.

Level3 never responded.  I don't know if that means they don't sell it or 
not, or they do, but we wouldn't be interested in the prices they offer.

HE.net (ie: Lightning.net on this coast) stated that they would have to 
do another ethernet drop (plus install fee), pay a recurring port charge, 
and pay for usage.

My pie-in-the-sky hope was that one of them would say "yes" and that we'd 
only pay for traffic.  If these two providers are indicative of what the 
v6 market is like, then that explains why you don't see it at least in the 
small/regional ISP space.

Let me know if anyone wants to start a IPv6 co-lo in NYC.  Coming up with 
a few customers in a good co-lo where real IPv6 transit is available would 
be a good way to push this locally at least.



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