[nycbug-talk] LPR: Drawer Selection / Page Orientation?

Jim Brown jpb at sixshooter.v6.thrupoint.net
Mon Apr 28 13:40:14 EDT 2008

* Tim A. <techneck at goldenpath.org> [2008-04-28 11:39]:
> Drawer selection isn't really a big deal, just curious there.
> But I would like to change page orientation to landscape.
> Is there something I can add to the spooler entry?
> Reading Handbook and the Corporate Networker's Guide, but not seeing it.
> Printing to an Aficio 3500 over the network, plain text, RAW
> Maybe there's some standard control code for landscape I could add with 
> a filter?

Assuming you're talking the Aficio MP 3500 here...

It appears that Aficio, like a lot of companies nowdays, doesn't publish tech specs
on their hardware- just config guides on "How to set up your printer through Control Panel".

That said, it appears the engine is a Ricoh, and it supports TWAIN (www.twain.org).
Maybe you could cobble together something what will throw the right control codes at
the device with a simple TWAIN program or script.

Hope that helps,
Jim B.

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