[nycbug-talk] Jails | FreeBSD | fxp0 | alias | Apache 2.2

H. G. tekronis at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 12:06:36 EST 2008

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Greg Robinson <greg at ltcc.com> wrote:

>  All:
> Re: FreeBSD 7, PCBSD, jail, internal network i.e., rc.conf,
> alias fxp0 with said IP, Apache 2.2 in jail
> Issue: apache serves to browser on computer but not to
> outside browsers, ping to 149 works
> Question: Anyone know of well documented how-to on Jails?
> My first thought on solving this problem is the pf.conf, which I want to
> approach cautiously.
> Warmest Regards,
> Greg
> - - - -  - - - - - - -
> Greg Robinson
> Lucrosol
What I remember doing was creating a vlan interface, and a assigning a block
of addresses to it as a pool for use by all the jails.
Snippet from rc.conf:

ifconfig_vlan1="vlan 1 vlandev rl0"
ipv4_addrs_vlan1=""  # (Assign IPs to

Then I created a vlan interface on the main gateway machine on the network
and simply gave it an address on that network:

ifconfig_vlan1="vlan 1 vlandev dc0"

So now any packets destined for the jails are routed over VLAN 1.

Again, thats just how I approached the problem.  For what you're dealing
with, you might perhaps only need to enable packet forwarding in the jail
host by:


In rc.conf:



Hope this helps.
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