[nycbug-talk] MS, the Yahoo buyout, and FreeBSD

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br
Fri Feb 1 12:41:26 EST 2008

Charles Sprickman escreveu:
> http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=ajQT8oZ96Yas
> So how much of the FreeBSD infrastructure is donated by Yahoo! these days? 
> It seems like in general they are pretty quiet about their FreeBSD 
> support.
> Will this be another Hotmail, with MS slowly turning off BSD boxes and 
> putting Windows boxes in their place?

I was asking myself the same questions. As a Y! investor I am happy to 
see this offer, but as a FreeBSD professional I am not. And saying 'NO' 
to this offer, right after Y! announced such that big layoffs, is 
psichologically difficult to believe, from an investor perspective.

There is also the good "marketing" that Yahoo! represents to FreeBSD, 
wether they are still very relevant to the project as donators or not. 
For example, Yahoo! + FIFA world cup partnership marketed FreeBSD as the 
main OS in the world cup internet infra-structure, etc, etc. What else 
and how negative would it be to the Project? I hope not much.

Patrick Tracanelli

FreeBSD Brasil LTDA.
Tel.: (31) 3516-0800
316601 at sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"

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