[nycbug-talk] dns slaves serve up empty data

Marco Scoffier marcoscoffier at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 23:36:41 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:44 PM, David Lawson <dave at donnerjack.com> wrote:

> I'd at least consider starting the master up attached to your terminal
> and crank up the debugging output, then restart the slave and see if
> you can see it asking for notifies and throwing an error or whatever.
> Might be worth trying that on the slave as well.

thanks.  I don't have access to the slaves.  They are at large companies who
offer secondary service, my registar gandi.net and a free service
xname.orgEverything has worked fine for multiple years and multiple OS
upgrades ...

I had to add an extra logging {}  section to named.conf and now see the
notifies in debug.log.  Annoyingly I see

zone metm.org/IN: notify to retries exceeded

This is the most annoying problem I have had in a long long time.  I wish I
had control over all the slaves.  I've been effectively kicked off the net
and I still don't understand why.

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