[nycbug-talk] jail article

Mikel King mikel.king at olivent.com
Wed Jun 3 13:19:13 EDT 2009


From: George Rosamond [mailto:george at ceetonetechnology.com]
To: NYCBUG [mailto:talk at lists.nycbug.org]
Sent: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:51:59 -0400
Subject: [nycbug-talk] jail article

I know this was posted to /., but it's well worth posting and 
  discussing, IMHO.
  And here's the tinyurl for those who prefer :)
  (sorry, had to drop that joke in there)
  The conclusion to draw about this article is simple to me: there's no 
  perfect solution to virtualization. . . it depends on your needs.
  FreeBSD jails are great in terms of system demands. . . . Drop 20 jails 
  on a P4 and 4 gig of RAM, each with their own IP, and no problems.
  Can you imagine doing that with other virtualization software like 
  VMWare, with 20 instances, on those specs?
  Jails are the right solution for certain scenarios. . . and I think the 
  virtualization debates and discussions tend to compare apples to, er, 
  live chickens.
The technical issues aside I think overall the sentiment is good, as it does advocate FreeBSD over other potential contenders. 

I'm still flummoxed about the sqlite3 over NFS. I would just never consider that as an option but that's me.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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