[nycbug-talk] EC2 and FreeBSD

Steven Kreuzer skreuzer at exit2shell.com
Mon Mar 16 11:43:59 EDT 2009

On Mar 14, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Matthew Terenzio wrote:

> Amazon announced their "reserved instances" for EC2 I noticed a  
> mention of FreeBSD in their FAQ:
> Q: What operating system environments are supported?
> Amazon EC2 currently supports a variety of operating systems  
> including: RedHat Linux, Windows Server, openSuSE Linux, Fedora,  
> Debian, OpenSolaris, Cent OS, Gentoo Linux, Oracle Linux, and  
> FreeBSD. We are looking for ways to expand it to other platforms in  
> future releases.
> My understanding was that this wasn't happening until 8.0 release at  
> earliest, which may be some time from now. Just a typo?

Seems like it was a mistake because its not listed in the support  
operating systems table anymore.

Also, FreeBSD 8 will not support Xen 3.0.3 or earlier. EC2 uses 3.0.3

Steven Kreuzer

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