[nycbug-talk] Sun News Roundup

Kit Halsted lists at kithalsted.com
Sun Mar 22 04:28:22 EDT 2009

Open64 is GPL. IIUC, the primary reason for the resurrection of PCC  
was the need for a BSD-licensed C compiler.

Having seen what happens when the OpenBSD people decide that they need  
to replace a piece of software due to license issues before, I would  
not be surprised to see PCC suddenly become the new default BSD  
compiler. (Hell, if you want to get down to it, I'm a little surprised  
it hasn't happened already.)


On Mar 22, 2009, at 2:30 AM, Brian Gupta wrote:

> What do you guys think about Open64?? http://www.open64.net/about-open64.html
> On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Andy Kosela  
> <akosela at andykosela.com> wrote:
>> Miles Nordin <carton at ivy.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> "ak" == Andy Kosela <akosela at andykosela.com> writes:
>>>     ak> pcc I hope we will see more of it in *BSD
>>> pcc == fossil record compiler
>>> don't confuse ``software architect'' with ``software  
>>> archaeologist''.
>>> llvm == future % [meh].
>> Maybe, but it is still better and *faster* in some situations than  
>> gcc.
>> I see pcc as the only possible alternative to GNU's monster.  LLVM  
>> can
>> possibly be nice too from what I read -- I just haven't really  
>> checked
>> it yet.
>> --Andy

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