[nycbug-talk] Split Horizon DNS

Miles Nordin carton at Ivy.NET
Thu May 14 16:09:06 EDT 2009

sorry, also it is not split horizon that you're doing, AIUI.  Split
horizon DNS is a glossary word for giving different answers for the
same FQDN depending on whether the querier is an internal or an
external hosts.  It's a way of dealing with DMZ's that are broken
because of a combination of the netadmin not being that smart, and
clumsy things having been done to work around a shortage of global IP
addresses.  so, split horizon fancyness would apply only to your
proper global domain name.  The word exists because the feature was
added to bind relatively late.  Before this feature you had to run two
nameservers to accomplish this.

What you are doing is just a plain old bogus TLD.

Split horizon is IMHO much uglier and less self-documenting than a
plain old bogus TLD.  We are using split horizon (old two-nameserver
style) at work, and I'm trying to fix and garbagecollect it.
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