[nycbug-talk] another thread: sshd zombie attacks

Jerry B. Altzman jbaltz at 3phasecomputing.com
Wed May 20 09:36:38 EDT 2009

on 5/20/2009 2:15 AM Andy Kosela said the following:
> "Jerry B. Altzman" <jbaltz at 3phasecomputing.com> wrote:
>> Moving ssh to port .ne. 22 solved that problem in a jiffy.
> Fix your firewall.  That issue has been discussed here before and I will
> state once again that it is dangerous opening 22/tcp to the whole world.

(This was a while ago, but...) Great! I'll be looking for the updates to 
PIXOS 6.1 that would "fix" this issue.
We needed open-to-the-world ssh. Not everyone could easily have used VPN 
software at the time.
We're talking about lesser of two evils, and we needed to stop that 
particular neck bleeding, and moving ssh to port .ne. 22 fixed it.

I do not claim it is BEST security,
I do claim that when you're being DOSed with ssh attempts, moving ssh's 
listening ports stems the DOS.

> --Andy

jerry b. altzman  jbaltz at 3phasecomputing.com  +1 718 763 7405

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