[nycbug-talk] green monster server

Miles Nordin carton at Ivy.NET
Thu May 28 00:50:54 EDT 2009

>>>>> "cs" == Charles Sprickman <spork at bway.net> writes:

    cs> I'm looking for some input on how to make it less power
    cs> hungry.

    cs> most power supplies are lucky to be 70% efficient).

no, there's an 80plus logo consortium now.  This means the power
supply is over 80% efficient even when running at much less than full
load.  most but not all supplies on newegg have the logo.

    cs> 8 250GB ATA drives

2 or 3 1TB drives instead?

i think dual parity is a good idea though.

    cs> Too many fans, at least 10.  I'll remove some until I see the
    cs> temp getting too warm for the drives.

this case is pretty quiet:


    cs> As I can afford it, I'll retire drives and put in larger units
    cs> to bring the drive count down (see ZFS above - hopefully it's
    cs> magical enough to allow this type of tinkering and migration).


you can't decrease drive count without destroying and recreating the
pool.  The only exception is to remove a mirror component---that you
can do.  You can increase the size of individual drives obviously, and
also if you increase the size of all the drives in a stripe the pool
will get bigger (proportonally to the smallest drive in the stripe).
but there's no way to decrease the size of a drive, nor to migrate
data off a drive and remove it.

they are working on this capability.  they call it bp rewrite i think.
but they've been working on it for more than a year.
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