[nycbug-talk] OT: Google Plans Ultra High-Speed Residential Networks

Ah Pook ahpook at verizon.net
Wed Feb 10 12:38:06 EST 2010

On Wednesday 10 February 2010, nikolai wrote:
> > Google is planning to roll out a 1Gb/sec Fiber-Optic broadband
> > network to more than 50,000 homes.
> >
> > Would you be willing to send all your traffic through Google in
> > exchange for an internet connection
> How is that different from sending all your traffic through ATT, or
> Comcast, or Verizon?
> Are you saying you expect Google do more snooping into your packets
>  then others do?

I'd expect that, yeah.  They certainly have a lot more to gain 
(financially) from knowing everything you look at.

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