[nycbug-talk] nifty(1)

Isaac Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Thu Dec 15 11:24:09 EST 2011

On Dec 15, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Matthew Story wrote:

>> Not to divert it, but. . .
>> Is this a "Shell from Hell" meeting?
> henry and I were hoping to compile a compendium of useful every-day patterns, functions, non-obvious but super-useful usages of "General Commands" ... nycbug talk seemed an ideal place to have this discussion ... and following the terminal mandelbrot fractal in zsh, I'm convinced we made the right decision.
> if nycbug threw a Shell From Hell meeting, i would be in attendance ... i would definitely bring a note-pad.

I don't know if this thread could generate a meeting, but it sure does eradicate the need for a snowball/bikeshed of a NYC*BUG 'misc goodies repo':

>> does anyone on list object to using Git?
>>>>>>> 'while [ 1 ] ; do objections | objections ; done'

This nifty(1) thread is a social answer, not technical- IMHO perfect…


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