[nycbug-talk] OpenSSH book

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Fri Jun 3 23:19:42 EDT 2011

On Fri, 3 Jun 2011, George Rosamond wrote:

> Looks like Michael Lucas is aiming towards self-publishing a book just on 
> OpenSSH:
> http://blather.michaelwlucas.com/archives/881
> I think back to the manner in which Dru has queried people for book content 
> and tips, and imagine we could do the same for an OpenSSH book, if there's a 
> need.

I am going to bet I'm not alone in not keeping up with all the new 
features that have rolled out since I started using OpenSSH.  As it 
stands, I use it daily and I'm probably missing out on enough to, well, 
fill a small book.  I think mwl's project will be a smashing success.

OT, but another fun mini-book would be "Learn to use tmux, you damn 
fool!".  Especially after seeing some of the plans to integrate iTerm2 
with tmux:



> More likely, it would be cool to do a launch-type meeting.  Heck, maybe ML 
> will even provide a top-shelf open bar at a high-end restaurant for it.  I 
> know the 21 Club has appropriate rooms!

> g
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